Giving AI Decentralised Memory

Building the decentralised future of abundant & free awakening

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  • decentralised money + energy + AI

    AI and the Blockchain are two fundamental technologies of the 21st century that are radically transforming our reality. Although they emerged as separate entities, it starts to become more evident that they are deeply connected on many levels. On one hand, Blockchain provides a trustless, permissionless and decentralised way of organising, updating and acting upon the states of a shared and value attached reality (e.g. decentralised money & finance), on the other hand AI provides an automated, general way of organising, updating (=learning) and acting upon (=agency) the shared and accumulated knowledge, experience and intelligence of humanity. EIDON is creating a new AI Blockchain primitive, called decentralised AI Data Availability & Data Restaking, that gives AI the memory and context that can be organised, updated and acted upon in a trustless, permissionless and decentralised way. We bet on a future, where there is a decentralised and abundant network of AI agents, big and small, general and niche, covering all corners of human intelligence, culture and truth. The access to a shared memory is crucial not to be centrally controlled, restricted and tempered with. Access to a decentralised and diverse network of AI Data & context will be the cornerstone for the next generation of AI agents to function.